Whether you lead a team at work or lead your decisions in everyday life, first and foremost you must learn to lead yourself.
We’re talking self-leadership and it is, unfortunately, an area that often lacks focus.
More than ever, we need to invest time to make ourselves future-fit to be encouraging, adaptable and resilient – especially under pressure.
We must create energy and balance; we must build our resilience.
The best thing about resilience is that it’s a skill that can be developed, and in this training, you’ll learn the 5 steps to take, to build yours.
Discover your unique process for how YOU will achieve the 5 steps for building resilience effectively and consistently – building the habit, building the muscle, living bouncing forward, and developing positively.
Additional Details
For more information please contact - Sally Higoe - 0438963718 - sally@team-resilience.com.au
Additional event information - A meeting link will be emailed to you before the event.