How to Love, Serve, and Care for Others Without Sacrificing Yourself
This is a joint workshop by Monica Kalra and Serena Low to provide support and strategies to persons in caregiving or leadership roles. Together, we will explore:
- Common struggles facing persons who are natural givers and nurturers, and persons whose work requires leadership and service
- Giving in the context of a partner, parent, leader, caregiver
- What happens when we overextend ourselves or allow others to over-rely on us
- What happens when one person in the relationship feels that they are doing most of the giving or making most of the sacrifices
- The downsides of giving and not receiving
- How to avoid burnout or martyrdom as a partner, parent, leader
What participants will learn:
- Strategies for effective communication to increase mutual understanding
- Strategies to bring healthy harmony and boundaries into your relationships
- Strategies to increase personal power and enhance energy for women and introverts
Additional Details
For more information please contact - SERENA LOW, INFO@SERENALOW.COM.AU
Additional event information - A meeting link will be emailed to you before the event.