Study Hard Study SMART
Study Hard vs Study Smart
“Would you like to discover which is more productive for success?”
We all have just 24 hours in a day, and how we maximise it, ultimately determines our success.
Some students struggle to complete their assignments, attend regular classes and study for exams or tests due to insufficient time. They cram for exams and end up ill-prepared.
On the other hand, others manage their studies, their workload and their assignments and achieve outstanding results!
There is a great difference between studying hard and studying smart. Studying hard is demanding and stressful, whereas studying smart is efficient, reduces stress and produces outstanding results.
So, what are those students doing that enables them to produce outstanding results?
Well, their secret to success lies in studying smarter, not harder.
Date: Saturday 02 September 2023
Time: 11:00 am to 11:30 am
Register your interest: Click to join
Our study journal, Study Hard Study Smart, to be launched in September, will be available soon.
If you are interested to book a Workshop Series in your school, TAFE or educational institution, please email us at: studysmart@my8dayweek.com.