Wyndham Health, Homelessness and Housing (H3) Alliance

Wyndham Health, Homelessness and Housing (H3) Alliance

The H3 Alliance is a partnership of health, housing and homelessness service providers working collectively within the Wyndham City Council municipality, in a place-based approach to address issues that lead to housing vulnerability for the Wyndham community. The H3 Alliance recognises that homelessness is often the result of multiple and intersecting causes so we use a Collective Impact Model to maximise our resources, collaborating and innovating to impact systems and outcomes.

H3 Alliance Vision: The H3 Alliance is a respected voice. Leading the way by collaborating to improve outcomes in health, homelessness and housing across Wyndham.

H3 Alliance Mission: We improve outcomes by advocating for and trialling, proactive and informed approaches to support people currently at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness across Wyndham.

Each member organisation brings expertise and experience to the collective partnership. Wyndham City Council provides the local area coordination and backbone support for the H3 Alliance.

Organisation's name: Wyndham Health, Homelessness and Housing (H3) Alliance
Organisation's phone number:

EOI's for event holders closing soon

Expressions of Interest to be an event holder in the 2024 WLF close on Sunday, June 16. 

Successful applicants will be contacted in the following week. 

There will be a second info session for event holders coming up soon. Details to be confirmed. 

Please contact us if you need extra time to submit your event. contact@wynlearnfestival.org.au