Victoria University – Skills & Jobs Centre

Victoria University – Skills & Jobs Centre

Victoria University – Skills & Jobs Centre

Di Debrincat

VU is ranked in the top two per cent of universities in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2024 and top six per cent in the THE Impact Rankings 2022. Doing dual differently. In 2018, VU introduced the revolutionary VU Block Model of teaching and learning – an Australian first.

The Skills and Jobs Centres are funded by the State Government to provide a FREE service to the community – improving career outcomes for everyone

Organisation's name: Victoria University - Skills & Jobs centre
Organisation's phone number: 0422 140 402

EOI's for event holders closing soon

Expressions of Interest to be an event holder in the 2024 WLF close on Sunday, June 16. 

Successful applicants will be contacted in the following week. 

There will be a second info session for event holders coming up soon. Details to be confirmed. 

Please contact us if you need extra time to submit your event.