Serena Low

Serena Low

Serena Low is a former lawyer and trauma-informed introvert coach who helps quiet achievers grow into Quiet Warriors by moving away from the belief that “I’m an introvert, therefore I can’t speak, sell, or lead” and to ask instead: “How can I speak, sell, and lead in a way that is true to myself?” 

Through The Quiet Warrior Podcast and The Visible Introvert Academy, Serena guides introverts on a journey to grow their visibility and to speak with courage and authenticity when they need to.

Serena is the author of the Amazon bestseller The Hero Within: Reinvent Your Life, One New Chapter at a Time. She grew up in Singapore and has called Australia (and Wyndham) home since 2006.

Organisation's name: Serena Low
Organisation's phone number:

EOI's for event holders closing soon

Expressions of Interest to be an event holder in the 2024 WLF close on Sunday, June 16. 

Successful applicants will be contacted in the following week. 

There will be a second info session for event holders coming up soon. Details to be confirmed. 

Please contact us if you need extra time to submit your event.