Iramoo Community Centre

Iramoo Community Centre

Iramoo Community Centre offers a range of courses, community programs, events and services for people of all ages and abilities, with the intent to build diverse social, recreational, educational and business networks within Wyndham, an outer western suburb of Melbourne. The Centre is dedicated to the provision of services that provide benefit to the community and improve the conditions of community life.

Iramoo Community Centre is a member of the Association of Neighbourhood Houses Victoria (NHVIC). The facility is owned by Wyndham City Council and is managed by a volunteer Committee of Management.

You can keep up to date with our programs and services by following us on Facebook.

We also have our own YouTube channel.

EOI's for event holders closing soon

Expressions of Interest to be an event holder in the 2024 WLF close on Sunday, June 16. 

Successful applicants will be contacted in the following week. 

There will be a second info session for event holders coming up soon. Details to be confirmed. 

Please contact us if you need extra time to submit your event.